Do you all know about You Tube?
So for the past 10ish years, I’ve not used a computer for personal purposes. I would tell folks that I don’t use a computer at home as I sit in front of one all day at work. When folks would talk about upgrading their laptops, or their new iphones, I would almost judge thinking there’s more to life than electronics and the Internet. Boy did I change my story when I purchased my MacBook Pro. I would be lying if I didn’t say there’s been a learning curve. For example, the other day, I tried to get on itunes (or You Tunes as I was calling it) and I couldn’t figure out how to get to the page where you buy the music.
So, after spending long hours with family and friends this winter season, I’ve been watching videos on You Tube. I even used an ipad. I like the song Toxic by Britney Spears, so I searched for it on the You Tube. What I found has changed my life (at least my computer life). There’s a video of a girl (and you can’t see her face) playing the ukulele and singing Toxic. It’s amazing – here’s the link (I don’t know how to embed the video yet) -- my first Molly video.
I watched this several times and wanted more. From there, I learned this faceless youth has a name….Molly Lewis. So, I found this page - with links to several of her You Tube videos. She does covers and writes her own songs. She mainly plays the uke, but it’s clear she’s a bit of a musical prodigy. Since I’d rather watch her enjoyable videos, I’ve not really researched her too much. I think she’s around 20 and lives on the west coast. She has public gigs and I’m probably late in even finding her.
My recommendations are Poker Face and California Gurls (pop covers) and her original song called Road Trip, a song about the astronaut love triangle from a couple of years ago. Two Girls and a Uke is amazing. She partners with another musician and they perform We Can Work It Out -- two ladies playing one uke at the same time.
Why do I like her? I think she’s talented, clever and irreverent. She’s the type of performer I would follow around town from gig to gig just to hear her perspective and marvel at the simplicity of her show. She makes me think there’s hope in the world and reminds me how talented people really are. No, she’s not playing classical music like the kids on From the Top (NPR), but I think she’s just as special. There’s something organic about her skills and I’m impressed someone so young is so observant and insightful about popular culture.
As I mentioned earlier, perhaps you already know Molly Lewis. If not, and if you have some time to spend on the Internet, watch her videos and pretend you have the rest of your life in front of you….like she does.